Ready to save time on your academic revisions?
Don't submit your research without a rigorous review by a fresh set of eyes.
Kibin's comprehensive editing approach entails more than a basic grammar and punctuation check. Your editor will address formatting inconsistencies, logic issues, problems with fluency and clarity, and more. Our goal is to guide you toward a clear, polished final draft you can submit with confidence.
In addition, you'll get detailed feedback and suggestions to help you complete your revisions efficiently and thoroughly.
Students and researchers at all stages of their careers have trusted Kibin with their most important writing projects since 2011.
Kibin editors are well-versed in academic writing conventions and language requirements, including UK, Australian, and Canadian English.
Nervous about your references? We can help -- with no additional charges. Our simple, transparent academic editing rates are based on the total word count of your document and include proofreading your references and citations.
Kibin editors are comfortable with MLA, APA, and Chicago styles and can also edit for Harvard, IEEE, AMA, ASA, and other style guides or journal requirements.