Black English
To the majority of
the people we gave this survey to, a lot of them said it sounded like
jibberish, but that at certain points it was understandable. They
explained that the speaker talks fast, but for the most part are able
to catch on to what they are saying. They didn t think that Ebonics
should be accepted in today s society to the point that our leaders
would be using it when making a speech to the nation. However they
said in normal everyday talk, that Ebonics/slang is often accepted
and used in many different ways.
Many of the people
didn t feel that is should be labeled as its own language. They just
stated that different states in the United States have an accent, and
this happen to be the black southerners accent. Such as
Massachusetts, they drop their r s in practically everything they
say, yet that is not referred to as another language only as an
accent. Therefore with this in mind, people did not feel that Black
English or Ebonics needed to be taught in school as a separate class.
Their feeling is that the schools can teach it, but rather than
having to take a whole course on it, they should just have a week or
two discussion on it.
Our conclusion is
that Black English is obviously different from today s English, but
it is not so different that it needs to be labeled by itself. Why
should just another form of English be different from what we are
accustomed to hearing.