Europeans that settled in America changed the lives of the Indians,
slowly robbing them of their culture. The future of the Indians was
changed drastically as their children, their income off the land and
their spiritual bonds with the land were interfered by the Europeans.
The Europeans, in trying to create a white society out of the
Indians, stole from them what made them unique as a civilization.
Indians children were affected more than any other generation by the
coming of the Europeans. Their whole family structure changed in the
short period while the Europeans took over, and gradually the
children lost all they ever knew.
children were brought up learning the skills they would need as
adults. A great importance was placed in training boys to become
warriors and teaching them skills such as running, swimming, jumping,
building stamina and strength and archery. Girls would stay with
their mothers until they were eight and then live with their
grandmother, who was considered their most dignified protector. She
would take over and teach the girl skills such as weaving, molding
clay and domestic skills Indian children were as free as the animals
that roamed the forest around them. Young boys were encouraged by
elders to engage in sports Girls busied themselves imitating their
mothers. Life of a Shawnee, W.C.Mundell
the arrival of the Europeans, Indian children lost their upbringing,
their culture and gradually, their self-esteem. The government
attempted to civilise the Indian children and many were sent or
forcibly taken to boarding schools, often not situated on the
reservations. The children were separated from their families, their
mentors. Their clothing was missionary style dresses for the girls,
knickers and trousers for the boys. The children weren t allowed to
speak their native tongue.
family structure collapsed as the fathers died and many women were
widowed. This left them in a hopeless position as polygamy was
outlawed and they had no one to hunt for them. Families were