Charlie's Agony

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Charlie was a goodz boy he just wanted to be like others but he had a problem, a problem with his brain. His parents divorced and left him leaving him all alone but what worse could happen to him? When Charlie was all grown up he attended a hospital attending there everyday, he also had a job in a factory. Soon strange tests were run on Charlie, soon enough he went through a surgery called “Artificial Intelligence.” Artificial Intelligence is a meaning of a human intelligence inserted into a brain. Soon he became smart which was a good thing, however this also credited him with some disadvantages. Charlie’s way of acting changed after the surgery, some even feared him. Charlie soon found out about how his friends were treating him and that they weren’t really his friends. Before he just couldn’t tell if they were treating him as a nice as a friend would or not. But now he knew how they were treating him and he knew that they weren’t really his friends. Charlie was pretty sad of the outcome; soon he realized he was changing. He soon quit his job at the factory and left. He usually stayed home reading books and sleeping. After a while he soon realized that he was going back to his normal IQ. He some

how though in order to get smarter he might have to go back to studying again. So then he started attending private schools. During this time Charlie also goes back to working at the factory, his friends seem to be much nicer to him since the loss of his memory and IQ. However there were also many other problems too, his best and only friend died: Algernon. When he started attending the hospital Algernon was the first mouse that he had ever met. They raced together and had lots of fun together however Algernon also had the surgery. Algernon dies and leaves back lots of worry for Charlie. Charlie then tries to find out why

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