My Motivation to Pursue My Degree in Psychology at Pennsylvania State University

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When you ask most people what they plan to accomplish after graduating college, they will tell you that they want to make a lot of money and purchase a lot of materialistic things; those accomplishments do not motivate me to pursue my degree. What motivates me to pursue my degree is all of the people that I have encountered throughout my life that were suffering from some form of mental illness and felt like they had no one to turn to. I want to turn my passion for helping people into a career, one where I can help people cope with or overcome their illness while showing them that they do not have to experience it alone.

I have a family member that attempted to take her life years ago, because she suffers from depression. I have a close friend that cuts herself and has contemplated committing suicide many times, and I have even reached a low point in my life where I thought about doing the same thing. I taught myself how to cope with how I was feeling, and I constantly devote time and energy to helping my friend and my family member deal with effects of depression. When I encounter anyone in need of help, even those people that I do not know personally, I will do everything that I can to help them solve their problems.

As of now I am currently unemployed, and taking out loans-which is putting me in debt-is the only way for me to pay for school. My father works every day and is faced with too many bills to help me financially and my mother is permanently disabled and is also unable to help me financially, and while I would truly love to receive a scholarship, I have yet to receive one, so getting in debt is the troubling sacrifice that I have been forced to make in order for me to receive a degree that will put me on the path to starting a

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