What comes to mind when you hear the words “marijuana user”?
Some people may automatically think Reefer Madness and see the film as an extreme exaggeration of users. Others may see it as a film with some underlying bit of truth to the dangers of marijuana.
Still others may think of a marijuana user as an average person, one who smokes marijuana and who’s no different than the average cigarette smoker. If you are also a cannabis enthusiast, consider visiting Island Now to learn how can you pass a drug test.
What about the other type of marijuana user, though? How might you classify the person who doesn’t smoke marijuana for recreational use but instead smokes it for medicinal purposes?
Should marijuana be legal for both recreational use and medicinal use? Should only medical marijuana be legalized? Should all forms of marijuana be illegal?
No matter your stance on the topic, if you’re going to write a medical marijuana essay, it’s a good idea to gather some credible sources to support your paper. Learn more at Exhale Wellness.
Here are 12 sources to help you get started with the research process.
12 Smart Sources to Support Your Medical Marijuana Essay
The broad topic of medical marijuana lends itself to all types of papers.
You don’t, however, have stick with the argument of whether medical marijuana should be legalized or the pros and cons of medical marijuana legalization (unless that’s actually your required assignment).
Consider different angles on the topic, such as whether children should use marijuana for medicinal purposes. Try writing about stories about marijuana use and how it has affected people (either positively or negatively).
In this type of paper, be sure to use examples from your research—unless, of course, you’re writing a narrative essay. Or you might look at medical marijuana from a scientific angle to examine its properties and varied uses for medicinal purposes.
No matter how you decide to narrow your topic for a medical marijuana essay, it helps to have a broad base of understanding.
In this post, I’ve included 12 marijuana legalization articles that provide some basic facts about the subject, discuss personal stories, examine medical marijuana for kids, and argue against legalization.
I’ve included a brief summary of each article and both an MLA 8 and APA citation to help you with documentation if you decide to use any of these sources in your medical marijuana essay. If you are looking for some of the best delta 8 brands, US Magazine will share their knowledge of the best delta-8 brands they finalized after doing extensive research.
Facts and Background Information About Medical Marijuana
Article #1: Medical Marijuana FAQ
WebMD publishes relatively basic, yet credible medical information, and this article provides an overview of medical marijuana. It includes information about how to obtain medical marijuana, where it’s legal, and how it can be used to treat various medical problems.
MLA 8 Citation
“Medical Marijuana FAQ.” WebMD, www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/medical-marijuana-faq#1.
APA Citation
Medical marijuana FAQ. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/medical-marijuana-faq#1
Article #2: Marijuana as Medicine
This article states that the marijuana plant is not considered medicine and isn’t legal. However, chemicals in the plant (called cannabinoids) are permitted in two FDA-approved medicines.
Because this article is published on a government website, it’s a credible website for a research essay.
MLA 8 Citation
“Marijuana as Medicine.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-medicine.
APA Citation
Marijuana as medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-medicine
Article #3: Medical Marijuana in the U.S. – Statistics & Facts
Published by Statista, “…one of the leading statistics companies on the internet,” this resource includes a brief overview of medical marijuana. It includes a variety of statistics, such as the number of cannabis businesses in the United States, the average price of marijuana per gram, and in which states it’s legal to smoke marijuana.
MLA 8 Citation
“Medical Marijuana in the U.S. – Statistics & Facts.” Statista.com. www.statista.com/topics/3064/medical-marijuana-in-the-us/.
APA Citation
Medical marijuana in the U.S. – Statistics & facts.” (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/topics/3064/medical-marijuana-in-the-us/
Personal Stories and Opinions About Marijuana Legalization
Article #4: Medical Marijuana: Planting Green to Make Green?
This editorial, written by the Bristol Herald Courier staff, encourages readers to consider whether marijuana legalization might be good for the Bristol, Virginia, area.
The writers suggest that legalization could bring new jobs to the area (while other manufacturing jobs are disappearing) and that legalization could also lead to a decrease in opioid-related deaths and overdoses.
MLA 8 Citation
“Medical Marijuana: Planting Green to Make Green?” Bristol Herald Courier, 21 Sep. 2017, www.heraldcourier.com/opinion/medical-marijuana-planting-green-to-make-green/article_2118a5c8-c1f7-5a3d-882d-9cadd2ca08d3.html.
APA Citation
Medical marijuana: Planting green to make green? (2017, September 21). Bristol Herald Courier. Retrieved from http://www.heraldcourier.com/opinion/medical-marijuana-planting-green-to-make-green/article_2118a5c8-c1f7-5a3d-882d-9cadd2ca08d3.html
Article #5: Adventures in Medical Marijuana With My 80-Year-Old Mother
Page Barnes is keeping a journal to chronicle the journey that she and her mother travel as her mother faces a terminal lung cancer diagnosis. This article is Part II of the journal.
In the article, the writer talks about how she and her mother visit a dispensary seeking the cannabidiol recommended by her mother’s doctor. The article doesn’t advocate for or against marijuana legalization. It also doesn’t state whether her mother has been helped by the drug. This article merely describes their journey.
MLA 8 Citation
Barnes, Page. “Adventures in Medical Marijuana with My 80-Year-Old Mother.” HuffPost.com, Oath Inc., 19 Oct. 2017, www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/adventures-in-medical-marijuana-with-my-80-year-old_us_59e8e14fe4b077c789918b5e.
APA Citation
Barnes, P. (2017). Adventures in medical marijuana with my 80-year-old mother. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/adventures-in-medical-marijuana-with-my-80-year-old_us_59e8e14fe4b077c789918b5e

Article #6: Medical Marijuana: A Personal Story, a Personal Tragedy
The writer of this article tells the story of Daryl Bertrand. Bertrand was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in 2003.
After 18 months of continued suffering with traditional painkillers (which led to liver failure), Bertrand began growing cannabis to help with pain. After breaking his back in 2008 and having two surgeries, Bertrand continued his use of cannabis.
When Bertrand took his computer in for repairs after it contracted a virus, the computer repair company alerted the police about pictures of Bertrand’s marijuana plants found on the computer.
Police obtained a warrant and thought they would seize plants and shut down an illegal business. Bertrand and his wife eventually pleaded guilty to growing (not selling) marijuana, paid a fine, and were put on probation.
Both Bertrand and his wife struggled to find work, and he’s no longer able to grow or use cannabis. He argues that use of marijuana, for him, is not about recreation but about survival. He feels that the laws surrounding marijuana and its legalization are unjust.
MLA 8 Citation
Ventimiglia, Jack. “Medical Marijuana: A Personal Story, A Personal Tragedy.” Daily Star-Journal, NPG Printing, 18 Sep. 2014, www.dailystarjournal.com/news/local/medical-marijuana-a-personal-story-a-personal-tragedy/article_dd44543f-53ed-5f77-9b17-cb3151eacc64.html.
APA Citation
Ventimiglia, J. (2014, September 18). Medical marijuana: A personal story, a personal tragedy. Daily Star-Journal. Retrieved from http://www.dailystarjournal.com/news/local/medical-marijuana-a-personal-story-a-personal-tragedy/article_dd44543f-53ed-5f77-9b17-cb3151eacc64.html
Children and Medical Marijuana
Article #7: Pot Kids
Published by the respected news magazine Time, this article tells the story of several families who use medical marijuana to treat their children’s illnesses (generally epileptic seizures).
Though some doctors agree on the potential benefits of the drug, many are concerned that not all children are helped by the drug. Many doctors also worry that, because marijuana sales often aren’t strictly regulated, parents could be putting their children in danger.
This article also links to a short documentary about children and medical marijuana.
MLA 8 Citation
Pickert, Kate. “Pot Kids.” Time, 2017, www.time.com/pot-kids/.
APA Citation
Pickert, K. (2017). Pot kids. Time. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/pot-kids/
Article #8: Medical Marijuana for Kids?
This article highlights the cases of several children and their parents who have turned to marijuana when all other more conventional medicines have failed.
Even though some states allow medical marijuana, the federal government still doesn’t recognize marijuana as a legal drug. Some doctors, however, feel that the drug should be considered (on a case-by-case basis) to determine whether it would be not only safe but also beneficial for minors.
MLA 8 Citation
Swartz, Aimee. “Medical Marijuana for Kids?” The Scientist, 17 July 2013. www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/36576/title/Medical-Marijuana-for-Kids-/.
APA Citation
Swartz, A. (2013, July 17). Medical marijuana for kids? The Scientist. Retrieved from http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/36576/title/Medical-Marijuana-for-Kids-/
Article #9: Parents Demand Medical Marijuana for Epileptic Kids
Children who are using medical marijuana to help alleviate seizures are the focus of this article. Medical professionals aren’t in agreement as to whether cannabidiol (CBD) is safe and effective for children. But parents who have treated their epileptic children with medical marijuana advocate for legalization.
This article also links to several short videos and articles about the subject.
MLA 8 Citation
Talamo, Lex, Calah Kelley, and Nick Swyter. “Parents Demand Medical Marijuana for Epileptic Kids.” NBC.com, 18 Aug. 2015, www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/parents-demand-medical-marijuana-epileptic-kids-n411186.
APA Citation
Talamo, L., Kelley, C., & Swyter, N. (2015). Parents demand medical marijuana for epileptic kids. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/parents-demand-medical-marijuana-epileptic-kids-n411186
Articles Against Medical Marijuana Legalization
Article #10: An Argument Against Legalizing Marijuana
Though the author of this opinion piece acknowledges that marijuana legalization would regulate the drug and possibly increase federal revenues, he ultimately argues against legalization.
His reasons for opposing legalization include the possibility of increased human costs, which include dependency and increased marijuana consumption.
MLA 8 Citation
Chapman, Robert J. “An Argument Against Legalizing Marijuana.” Higher Education Center, 18 Feb. 2016, www.hecaod.osu.edu/an-argument-against-legalizing-marijuana/.
APA Citation
Chapman, R. J. (2016). An argument against legalizing marijuana. Retrieved from http://www.hecaod.osu.edu/an-argument-against-legalizing-marijuana/
Article #11: Ten Reasons to Vote Against Medical Marijuana in Florida
This article explains 10 reasons that Kevin Sabet believes medical marijuana should not be legalized. Sabet is a University of Florida professor and the director of the drug policy institute at the university. Sabet is also co-founder and director of Smarter Approaches to Marijuana (SAM).
Among Sabet’s reasons for arguing against legalization are the potential risks to children as attitudes toward marijuana soften, the idea that other medical alternatives exist, and the fact that the petition (in Florida) wasn’t crafted by medical professionals.
MLA 8 Citation
Swanson, Jess. “Ten Reasons to Vote Against Medical Marijuana in Florida.” Broward Palm Beach New Times, 1 Apr. 2014, www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/ten-reasons-to-vote-against-medical-marijuana-in-florida-6448172.
APA Citation
Swanson, J. (2014, April 1). Ten reasons to vote against medical marijuana in Florida. Broward Palm Beach New Times. Retrieved from http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/ten-reasons-to-vote-against-medical-marijuana-in-florida-6448172
Article #12: Pediatricians Oppose Medical Marijuana, With Some Exceptions
This article explains the stance of leading pediatricians regarding medical marijuana. They believe that, overall, the drug should not be legalized due to its potential risks.
The pediatricians do acknowledge, however, that in some instances the chemical compounds in marijuana may be used to successfully treat patients. They emphasize that further studies must be done.
MLA 8 Citation
Rettner, Rachael. “Pediatricians Oppose Medical Marijuana, with Some Exceptions.” LiveScience.com, 26 Jan. 2015, www.livescience.com/49565-marijuana-legalization-aap.html.
APA Citation
Rettner, R. (2015). Pediatricians oppose medical marijuana, with some exceptions. Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/49565-marijuana-legalization-aap.html
Writing the Essay
Once you’ve narrowed your topic and have located sufficient sources to support your medical marijuana essay, it’s time to write your paper.
Here are two resources to help you put your ideas together.
Looking for a completed essay for inspiration? Check out these example medical marijuana essays from the Kibin database.
Finished with your essay but need a little more help with the finishing touches? Let the editors at Kibin review your work to help make sure it’s the best it can be.