Compare the feeling you get when you earn an A on a paper to how you feel when you get a D on a paper. There’s really no comparison, is there?
My goal in writing this post is for you learn more about compare and contrast essays, so you can skip that wretched feeling of getting a D and instead feel that euphoric “I earned an A and want to break out my happy dance” feeling.
Check out these examples that not only make cool comparisons but also help you see what a good comparison essay looks like. (You can do your happy dance later.)

Compare and Contrast Essay Resources
Before you start any paper, you need to have an understanding of how to write it. If you need a bit of a refresher on the basics of a compare and contrast essay, check out these two posts.
If you have a pretty good sense of how to write a compare and contrast paper but need a topic before you can even begin to think about writing, here are 49 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics to Help You Get Started.
Need some more topic inspiration? Browse through some additional examples of comparison essays.
If you’ve got the how and the topic mastered but aren’t sure how to get started, This Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Will Help You Beat Writer’s Block. Or give these additional tips and handy worksheets a try.
Ready to see two comparison essay examples that make cool comparisons? Keep reading!
2 Comparison Essay Examples That Make Cool Comparisons
Comparison essay example #1: A Comparison of Disney Princesses

The first essay focuses on basic comparisons of two common Disney princesses. My comments within the paper highlight both strengths and areas in need of improvement.
Before I address the content of the essay, let’s talk about the title. It would be an understatement to say that this title lacks creativity. Learn how to write a better title by reading How to Write Good Essay Titles That Are…Good.
(*Click images below to enlarge)
Comparison essay example #2: Hinduism and Buddhism Compare and Contrast Essay
This paper focuses on a comparison of Hinduism and Buddhism. Like the previous essay, the title of this paper needs work. This essay, though, provides a solid comparison of the two religions.
Remember, when writing a compare and contrast essay, it’s impossible to compare every aspect. The key to a successful essay is choosing two or three key points to compare. Here, the writer successfully compares rebirth and the steps one must take in each religion to escape rebirth.
As with the previous example, I’ve included a few comments about what this writer does well and what the writer might do to improve this paper.
(*Click images below to enlarge)
The Finishing Touches
It’s your turn to shine and use all that you’ve learned to write an impressive, even awe-inspiring compare and contrast essay. Remember the strong (and weak) elements highlighted in the comparison essay examples to keep you on the right path.
These resources might help you avoid some of the shortcomings highlighted in the comparison essay examples:
- How to Write an Essay Introduction in 3 Easy Steps
- What Is a Hook Sentence? (Infographic)
- How Good Transition Words Can Improve Your Writing
- 97 Transition Words for Essays You Need to Know
If, by chance, you’re studying poetry and need a little more help, check out these two posts:
Also try using the compare and contrast thesis statement builder.
Once your paper is complete, let our Kibin editors polish your paper to perfection.
Happy writing!