Even though discrimination is an ugly part of society, you know that professors aren’t going to discriminate when it comes to handing out essay grades.
No matter how many hours you work on your discrimination essay, if it isn’t good, your prof will let you know about it (no matter who you are).
How do you make sure your paper will make the grade?
Of course there are lots of ways to make your paper stand out, but two key aspects of any “A” paper are 1) a clear, narrowed focus and 2) solid evidence to support your claims.
First, consider your focus. Discrimination is a pretty broad topic. What aspect of discrimination will you focus on? You might write about age, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, race, or disability discrimination.
Once you’ve decided on a focus, you’ll need solid evidence to support your ideas.
That’s where I come in. If you need a little help getting started with your research, here are 12 sources to support your discrimination essay.
12 Smart Sources to Support Your Discrimination Essay
I’ve divided this list of 12 sources into three categories: age discrimination, gender discrimination, and racial discrimination.
I’ve also included a brief description of each article, an MLA 8 and an APA citation for each source, a few writing suggestions, and several links to example papers.
4 Age Discrimination Sources
Article #1: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
This page is the text of the 1967 act against age discrimination.
Fair warning: this is a government website with lots of technical and legal wording, so it’s not exactly a quick read. It is, however, a nice choice if you want to provide background information to help readers understand the law itself.
This is a government website, so it easily passes the CRAAP Test.
MLA 8 Citation
“The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.” U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/adea.cfm.
APA Citation
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. (n.d.). U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved from https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/adea.cfm
Article #2: The Ugly Truth About Age Discrimination
The writer of this article tells her own story of being denied a job interview simply because of her age. She also explains that age discrimination is even more prevalent today because the employment process quickly makes one’s work history evident.
To reduce age discrimination, the writer suggests going into interviews with confidence and discussing business with interviewers rather than simply answering questions. This means that, as a candidate, you become a trusted friend rather than simply a candidate.
Thinking that this would make a great narrowed topic but aren’t sure how to organize your ideas? Try writing a compare and contrast essay about different types of interview strategies and whether they will affect age discrimination.
MLA 8 Citation
Ryan, Liz. “The Ugly Truth About Age Discrimination.” Forbes, 30 Jan. 2014, www.forbes.com/sites/lizryan/2014/01/31/the-ugly-truth-about-age-discrimination/#65c16cae44e7.
APA Citation
Ryan, L. (2014, January 30). The ugly truth about age discrimination. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/lizryan/2014/01/31/the-ugly-truth-about-age-discrimination/#65c16cae44e7
Article #3: 10 Things You Should Know About Age Discrimination
Published by AARP, this article includes an overview of 10 things people should know about discrimination, such as the legalities involved in age discrimination, people’s views on age discrimination, and how to file charges if you’re a victim of discrimination.
MLA 8 Citation
Palmer, Kimberly. “10 Things You Should Know About Age Discrimination.” AARP, www.aarp.org/work/on-the-job/info-2017/age-discrimination-facts.html.
APA Citation
Palmer, Kimberly. (n.d.). 10 things you should know about age discrimination. Retrieved from https://www.aarp.org/work/on-the-job/info-2017/age-discrimination-facts.html
Article #4: Nearly 300 Have Joined Google Age Case
In short, this timely article discusses the fact that almost 300 people have joined a class action lawsuit against Google, claiming they faced age discrimination at work.
The article also contains the full text of the complete complaint. (Yes, this is another dry, wordy legal document, but don’t let that deter you. This can be an excellent resource when examining current cases and perhaps comparing and contrasting their merits.)
Want to read one writer’s analysis of age discrimination in the workplace? Read An Introduction to the Issue of Age Discrimination in Employment.
MLA 8 Citation
Elias, Jennifer. “Nearly 300 Have Joined Google Age Case.” Bizwomen, American City Business Journals, 9 Aug. 2017, www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2017/08/nearly-300-have-joined-google-age-case.html.
APA Citation
Elias, J. (2017, August 9). Nearly 300 have joined Google age case. Bizwomen. Retrieved from https://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2017/08/nearly-300-have-joined-google-age-case.html
4 Gender Discrimination Sources 
Article #5: Sex Discrimination at Work
“Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) is a national civil rights organization dedicated to protecting and expanding economic and educational access and opportunities for women and girls.”
This article defines and offers examples of sex discrimination. It also provides information for those who feel that their rights have been violated.
This resource might be the perfect fit if you’re writing a process analysis essay as you can integrate the tips provided to illustrate the steps someone might take when facing discrimination.
MLA 8 Citation
“Sex Discrimination at Work.” Equal Rights Advocates, www.equalrights.org/legal-help/know-your-rights/sex-discrimination-at-work/.
APA Citation
Equal Rights Advocates. (2015). Sex discrimination at work. Retrieved from https://www.equalrights.org/legal-help/know-your-rights/sex-discrimination-at-work/
Article #6: Could an Increase in Lawsuits End Sexism in Tech? Anita Hill Thinks So
Originally published by Business Insider, this article explains that famed lawyer Anita Hill feels the best way to end sexism in technology fields is for women to file class-action lawsuits if they face discrimination.
While Hill acknowledges the risks and barriers present in filing such suits, she also states that it’s important to bring the problem into the public eye.
Though this article focuses on sexism in US-based businesses, you may also consider writing about sexism in other countries. Check out An Introduction to the Issue of Sexism in the Workplace to learn more about sexism in the UK.
MLA 8 Citation
Peterson, Becky. “Could an Increase in Lawsuits End Sexism in Tech? Anita Hill Thinks So.” Yahoo! Finance, 10 Aug. 2017, finance.yahoo.com/news/could-increase-lawsuits-end-sexism-214100007.html.
APA Citation
Peterson, B. (2017). Could an increase in lawsuits end sexism in tech? Anita Hill thinks so. Retrieved from https://finance.yahoo.com/news/could-increase-lawsuits-end-sexism-214100007.html
Article #7: Google May Face Lawsuit Alleging Gender Discrimination
This Fox News article discusses a lawsuit filed by 60 women, both current and former employees of Google, who are claiming gender discrimination.
“The interviewed women told the attorney that they make roughly $40,000 less than their male counterparts working in the same position. One woman said her salary was two-thirds of a male colleague’s pay.”
If you’ve already done a fair amount of research on these types of lawsuits and want to argue the validity of the cases, brush up on your argument skills by reading How to Write a Winning Argument Essay.
MLA 8 Citation
Mikelionis, Lukas. “Google May Face Lawsuit Alleging Gender Discrimination.” Fox News, 9 Aug. 2017, www.foxnews.com/tech/2017/08/09/google-may-face-lawsuit-alleging-gender-discrimination.html.
APA Citation
Mikelionis, L. (2017). Google may face lawsuit alleging gender discrimination. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2017/08/09/google-may-face-lawsuit-alleging-gender-discrimination.html
Article #8: Gender Discrimination: U.S. Supreme Court Cases
If you’re writing about gender discrimination and are looking for background information to establish the fact that many lawsuits have been filed over the years, this site is for you. The initial list includes a case from 1974.
The information presented in this brief article is published by Find Law, which provides free legal information. The website also provides legal assistance and legal forms, and allows users to research basic legal information.
MLA 8 Citation
“Gender Discrimination: U.S. Supreme Court Cases.” Find Law, Thomson Reuters, civilrights.findlaw.com/discrimination/gender-discrimination-u-s-supreme-court-cases.html.
APA Citation
Gender discrimination: U.S. supreme court cases. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.civilrights.findlaw.com/discrimination/gender-discrimination-u-s-supreme-court-cases.html
4 Racial Discrimination Sources
Article #9: Racial Discrimination Case Against Annapolis Dismissed
Though people most often think of racial discrimination against minorities, this article, published by Capital Gazette of Annapolis, focuses on a white man’s claim of racial profiling and discrimination.
The case claims that the man who filed the lawsuit “…was stopped multiple times for being white and driving through or near predominately African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods.” His case was ultimately dismissed.
Interested in reading another opinion regarding reverse discrimination? Read this example essay about affirmative action.
MLA 8 Citation
Cook, Chase. “Racial Discrimination Case Against Annapolis Dismissed.” Capital Gazette, 10 Aug. 2017, www.capitalgazette.com/news/annapolis/ph-ac-cn-discrimination-case-0811-20170810-story.html.
APA Citation
Cook, C. (2017, August 10). Racial discrimination case against Annapolis dismissed. Capital Gazette. Retrieved from http://www.capitalgazette.com/news/annapolis/ph-ac-cn-discrimination-case-0811-20170810-story.html
Article #10: My Mexican Husband Was Accused of Trafficking Our Daughter on a United Flight
Published by the popular (and credible) news source HuffPost, this article explains one family’s ordeal after the father of a young girl was accused of trafficking his own daughter.
Because the father is Mexican and the mother is of Irish descent, the three-year-old has lighter skin. Sadly, the incident stemmed from an intoxicated passenger who originally made the claim.
The father, of course, was ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing (but only after a long, trying process that involved airline staff and police).
Trying to figure out a way to incorporate this source? You might consider explaining how a well-meaning comment can lead to a false accusation.
MLA 8 Citation
Furfey, Maura. “My Mexican Husband Was Accused of Trafficking Our Daughter on a United Flight.” HuffPost, 17 April 2017, www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/my-mexican-husband-was-accused-of-trafficking-our-daughter_us_58f4adade4b01566972250cf”margin-left: .5in; text-indent: -.5in;”>Furfey, M. (2017). My Mexican husband was accused of trafficking our daughter on a united flight. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/my-mexican-husband-was-accused-of-trafficking-our-daughter_us_58f4adade4b01566972250cf”http://nypost.com/2017/04/26/mainstream-media-outlets-sued-for-racial-discrimination/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Lawyer Sues Times, CNN, Fox News for Racial Discrimination
Like some of the previous articles in this list, this article discusses current discrimination cases.
“A half-dozen people have filed suits against the New York Times and Fox News, while as many as 175 current and former employees have contacted lawyers about joining a class-action suit against CNN.”
Are you thinking that your discrimination essay might discuss a variety of cases, but you’re struggling to put it all together? Try an outline or another form of prewriting.
MLA 8 Citation
Jaeger, Max. “Lawyers Sue Times, Fox, CNN News for Racial Discrimination.” New York Post, 26 April 2017, www.nypost.com/2017/04/26/mainstream-media-outlets-sued-for-racial-discrimination/.
APA Citation
Jaeger, M. (2017, April 26). Lawyers sue Times, Fox, CNN news for racial discrimination. New York Post. Retrieved from http://www.nypost.com/2017/04/26/mainstream-media-outlets-sued-for-racial-discrimination/.
Article #12: Charlottesville Mayor Largely Blames Trump for White Supremacist Violence
This Yahoo! News article explains that the mayor of Charlottesville essentially blames Donald Trump for the violence that erupted in Charlottesville because of Trump’s presidential campaign.
The mayor claims that Trump courted white supremacists and anti-Semitic groups and failed to condemn their beliefs and violent acts.
This source is related to the larger discussion of discrimination and how violence against (and hatred of) other racial groups affects not only individuals, but society as a whole.
If you’d like to read more about white supremacists’ influence, take a look at An Analysis of the Effect of Racism Since Early Development of Society in the United States.
MLA 8 Citation
Stableford, Dylan. “Charlottesville Mayor Largely Blames Trump for White Supremacist Violence.” Yahoo! News, 13 Aug. 2017, www.yahoo.com/news/charlottesville-mayor-largely-blames-trump-white-supremacist-violence-175055166.html.
APA Citation
Stableford, D. (2017). Charlottesville mayor largely blames Trump for white supremacist violence.” Retrieved from https://www.yahoo.com/news/charlottesville-mayor-largely-blames-trump-white-supremacist-violence-175055166.html
Still Not Sure If Your Paper Stands Out?
We’ve all been there. We’ve researched and outlined and sweated our way to a draft of an essay, but when it’s done, we look at it in despair, knowing something just isn’t quite right.
If you’re feeling that way now, follow these suggestions to help improve your discrimination essay:
- Try a reverse outline. This can help you see whether your paragraphs contain enough support and whether your arguments are well-organized.
- Read 15 Ways to Improve Your Academic Writing. Sometimes it’s the little things that can hurt a paper in a big way. Review this article to review the conventions of academic writing.
- Make sure your writing isn’t biased. A biased paper can ruin your credibility. So re-read your draft, and eliminate any bias.
- Get help from a professional. There’s no shame in getting help from professional Kibin editors. After all, they are experts in their field and can help make your paper stand above the rest.